Saturday, October 27, 2007

Full Moon

Tonight, as I left the house at about 8:15pm, I noticed the moon, perfectly round and brilliantly bright, against the black sky. This photo goes well with Halloween, a holiday celebrated on October 31st. Full moons are often seen in Halloween decorations - usually with a witch or bats flying in front of them. Wichita's little ghosts and goblins are going to have lots of natural light to guide their way as they go "trick or treating" soon.

Note: This is a color photo - that only had two colors in it; black and white.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Global caress

When I saw this statue of a child hugging earth,
I paused to appreciate what it represents to me, a love of earth and all it entails.
I'm curious to know - what kind of title would you give this statue?

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I was trying to capture the wind in this photo.
It was nice to see this ornamental grass swaying in the cool breeze on a sunny October day.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The rules

This sign states the rules and information for visitors to the Keeper of the Plains Plaza.
I feel kind of guilty posting about a ring of fire, when parts of California are burning.
The fires in the Keeper's Ring of Fire are controlled. Surrounded by water, and monitored by the worker who turns them on, and off.
My sympathy to those in California, and any others who have been traumatically affected by an uncontrolled fire.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tropical path

This shady "tropical" path is in the Sedgwick County Zoo, near the Orangutang and Chimpanzee exhibits. It's a nice area to walk through - and quite a contrast to the Kansas Prairie shown in the previous two photos. It's nice to be able to experience the change of scenery provided by the Zoo. It's like going to far away places, in just a short drive.

Monday, October 22, 2007

See the cow?

Here's another photo, this one was taken on our way back to Wichita.
It shows a Kansas pasture, pond, and a cow.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


This is a roadside scene - taken from a moving vehicle while leaving Wichita. Most of Kansas is a flat state, full of agriculture. The main crop is wheat, but there are others, too. Along the way, we passed various fields of: sunflowers, soybeans, maize, cotton, alfalfa, wheat, and more. We saw cattle pastures, and nice ranch homes. Fields are divided by fencing and tree rows. When seen from the air - Kansas resembles a patchwork quilt.