Thursday, April 17, 2008

Australian Outback

I snapped a shot of this sign, simply because I got a chuckle out of it.
That's a lot of flies!
Taken at the Sedgwick County Zoo, in Wichita, Ks.


photowannabe said...

Too many flies for me....only 13 humans, not good odds. Great post. The zoo has humor.

Anonymous said...

I love this sign. It would be a virtual desert without the sheep and flies.

Halcyon said...

Hee! Do they tag and track them to make sure the count is accurate? :)

Moonshadow said...

Guess I'm going to have to make a trip to Cowtown this summer, I don't remember seeing this.

Sorry you missed Fun Fair, guess I should have let you know about it. Put it on your calendar for next year, start looking for it in February.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I'm from Australia. I can assure you that there are too many flies in Australia in summer, but not as many as that sign! That's so funny!!


Peter said...

Hi! That's 2 million plus, Aussie Waves.

Take Care,
Sydney, Australia