Saturday, June 21, 2008


Bacon, eggs and hashbrowns.


Wanda said...

Could it get any better ~~ Breakfast my favorite meal!!!

Lynette said...

Breakfast photos--yummmmyyyy!

Thanks for stopping by. I agree with your observation about the alien ice cube formations.

Steve Buser said...

This is cruel. I just sat down to my Cheerios and bananas. Suddenly they don't seem so filling.

Jilly said...

I'm about to sit down to a bowl of muesli!

Apologies for lack of comments recently. I'm in America. But slowly, hope to start commenting a little more regularly.

Unknown said...

Just like Steve did, I sat down to a bowl of cereal as I do daily. I try to stay away from the yummy fried foods as much as I love them. I read your blog today for the first time and will be back. I love the photos of the baby, I have a 15 month old grandson whom he reminded me of. Thanks

Cherdecor said...

Oh, this is making me so hungry! I am with Wanda. Breakfast is my favorite meal.