Native wisdom
The statue in the header of my blog is called "The Keeper of the Plains", he stands at the confluence of the Big and Little Arkansas rivers. The Keeper Plaza, located around the base of the statue, incorporates the history of the Native Americans and embodies a “sacred hoop” and the 4 elements that make up life (Earth, air, fire and water). I've noticed some American cities are named after places in Europe. Ever wondered how Wichita got it's name? It's named after the Wichita Indians that first inhabited this area. Back in the days when all that was needed was - Earth, air, fire and water. Could you get by on those basic needs, these days?
beautiful statue in your header...i had some tourist brochures sent to me by Kansas state tourism some time back and I immediately recognized the statues from your blog on the pages in the brochures....and i love Indian names...we just went to a place by the name Okeechobee...beautiful Indian name ..
Oh my yes. Yes indeed. We got by on those things when I was growing up. And those things are all you need to live a long and fruitful life. Everything else is frosting on the cake.
And the paradox is that if one lives simply life is quieter, fuller and richer in meaning. The Amish have proven that and give us a window into understanding that more fully.
Yes, I have wondered that and now I know! And live off the four elements? Not a chance. I'm as dependent on technological wizardry as most first world residents. This method of communication is a good example.
Thanks for your comment on my blog about urban renewal. I'm not familiar with the statues in Wichita you mentioned (only been to your city once, on business, and many years ago). You may have posted pix of them but if so, I missed it. Let me know if you did - I'd like to see them.
Great shot and information. I don't think I would be able to survive on just those four elements....I would need a lot of a secret 5th element (CHOCOLATE) for me to live (or at least want to live!! LOL).
I see all that water each day -- you just see it first. :)
belle sculpture, tres bon les quatre elements ( mais je suis d'accord avec northbayphoto , il manque le cinquieme element : Le dieu Chocolat ;o) ).
beautiful sculpture, very good the four elements (but I agree with northbayphoto, it misses the fifth element: The god Chocolate ;O) ).
I think electricity would be greatly missed if we only had the four elements.
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