Saturday, January 12, 2008


I like the way this photo turned out. The sun was going down, and I tried to caputure the sky, but got an added bonus of a church steeple, and the decorative sails on the Douglas bridge in downtown Wichita. I like the way the sky fades from blue to gold with the setting sun.


Anonymous said...

I love sunset and sun rise pictures. They are always full of wonder. What are those sculptures on the right of the church?

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

i like it's my fav. time of the day, wendy :)

Jim Klenke said...

Those go to a bridge? Neat, have you posted that bridge before? I dont remember it. The steeple looks like its poking the sky.

Kekiinani said...

Nice shot. Those are really interesting sculpture sails!! :) :)

Gaëlle said...

I like this shot, beautiful colours, beautiful light!